“Flintstones: Brontonappers” is part of the “Flintstones” series, a beloved animated television franchise created by Hanna-Barbera Productions. In this particular story, the Flintstone family—Fred, Wilma, Pebbles, and their pet dinosaur Dino—find themselves embroiled in another prehistoric adventure. The plot likely revolves around a humorous escapade where Fred and Barney attempt to solve a problem or foil a scheme involving the titular “Brontonappers,” possibly referring to individuals attempting to steal or exploit prehistoric creatures like Brontosauruses. As with other “Flintstones” stories, expect plenty of slapstick humor, clever puns, and lessons about friendship and family amidst the stone-age setting.
EAN / ISBN13 : 9780721412207
EAN / ISBN10 : 0721412203
Language : English
No.of.Pages : 32 pages
Dimension : 12*17.8
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