“Anabelle the Drawing Fairy” is part of the “Magical Crafts Fairies” series within the “Rainbow Magic” collection by Daisy Meadows. In this enchanting story, Anabelle’s magical role is to inspire creativity and artistic talent in children through her special drawing skills. However, trouble brews when Jack Frost’s mischievous goblins steal Anabelle’s magic pencil, causing creativity to dwindle and artworks to lose their charm. Rachel and Kirsty, along with their fairy friend, embark on a quest to retrieve Anabelle’s magic pencil and restore creativity to children’s drawings everywhere. Packed with adventure, teamwork, and the magic of imagination, this story encourages readers to believe in their artistic abilities and the power of creativity.
EAN / ISBN13 : 9781408331439
EAN / ISBN10 : 1408331438
Language : English
No.of.Pages : 80 pages
Dimension : 12.8*19.2
Publisher: Orchard
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