“Honey the Sweet Fairy” is part of the “Rainbow Magic: The Party Fairies” series, written by Daisy Meadows. In this enchanting tale, Honey the Sweet Fairy faces a magical adventure where she must save the day. The story revolves around Honey’s quest to find her magical party bag, which has been stolen by mischievous Jack Frost and his goblins. With the help of Rachel and Kirsty, two human friends, Honey embarks on a journey through Fairyland to recover her precious bag. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and magical creatures, all while trying to prevent Jack Frost from ruining another party.This book is part of the popular “Rainbow Magic” series, known for its whimsical stories and lovable characters that appeal to young readers who enjoy tales of friendship, magic, and adventure. Honey the Sweet Fairy’s determination and kindness shine through as she navigates the challenges of Fairyland, making it a delightful read for children who love fairy stories and imaginative worlds.
EAN / ISBN13 : 9781843628217
EAN / ISBN10 : 0184362821
Language : English
No.of.Pages : 80 pages
Dimension : 12.8*19.2
Publisher: ORCHARD
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